Free Delivery
Simpli Home offers standard free shipping on all orders for delivery within the 48 contiguous states. We do not ship to Alaska, Hawaii, P.O. Box or APO/FPO/DPO addresses, Canada, or internationally. We use renowned FedEx ground service for most orders and provide tracking numbers as soon as your purchase leaves the warehouse. For larger items and bulk orders, we use professional LTL freight carriers to ensure that your large parcel arrives safely to your home.
- Most orders ship within 1-2 business days, plus 4-5 business days in transit for delivery.
- Large parcel orders such as Wide TV Media Stands and Dining Sets normally ship within 2-3 business days, plus 10-12 business days in transit for delivery.

Note: Over-sized parcels are Curbside Delivery, which means your order is delivered to the curb or end of the driveway of the delivery address and you are responsible for the package beyond that point. An adult must be present and signature is required upon delivery.
Our standard shipping method is ground shipping. We will ship your order via any of the major mail carriers, including UPS, FedEx, and the United States Postal Service. At this time we are unable to provide the option to choose your carrier of choice.
For more information about freight shipping, please contact us.
Please note: This free delivery policy only applies to orders placed directly with Simpli Home. For orders placed through our retail partners, please visit their websites for their delivery and shipping policies.